Wagner e il buddismo
Urs App, autore di The Birth of Orientalism (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010) e di The Cult of Emptiness (2012), storico di fama mondiale della scoperta occidentale del buddismo, racconta la storia dell’incontro creativo di Richard Wagner con il buddismo e spiega le ultime parole del compositore.
Blavatsky on Buddhism
The Cult of Emptiness
The Zen Understanding of Man
Our Publications
Clear Filters
Human Nature and Zen
Richard DeMartino
Zen Encounters
Richard DeMartino
The Zen Understanding of Man
Richard DeMartino
Blavatsky on Buddhism
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Richard Wagner and Buddhism
Urs App
Les Misérables
Steve Antinoff
The Cult of Emptiness
Urs App
The First Western Book on Buddhism and Buddha
M-J-F Ozeray & Urs App
Schopenhauer’s Compass
Urs App
Johannes Bronkhorst
Creative Daoism
Monica Esposito
Facets of Qing Daoism
Monica Esposito
The Zen of Tantra
Monica Esposito
La Porte du Dragon
Monica Esposito
Richard Wagner und der Buddhismus (German edition)
Urs App
Wagner e il buddismo
Urs App
Schopenhauer's Compass
Schopenhauer was the first major Western philosopher to take Asian thought seriously.